
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Endless Possibilities


At times the possibilities are so enormous it is hard to know what to do.  At times, the best approach is to something.  Action in one direction will sometimes make what needs to happen become clearer, even if that direction wasn't the actual direction I considered heading.

Recently I speculated about writing another book.  My heart wasn't in it, though.  Given I've written/self-published two, I know just exactly how much time, effort, energy and *money* it takes.  And I honestly didn't feel like I had enough of any of those left in me, given my current state of affairs.

But I didn't close the door to the possibility of writing - I still had this blog, I still have the School of Sweet Georgia classes to nurture, I still have my 2022 class of Olds students to support on their learning journey.

And sometimes, if you just leave yourself open, something will come out of almost literally nowhere and present itself.

Sometimes one tiny little action in one direction will lead to something else happening that is, in the end, much bigger than ever anticipated or expected.

So, writing.  

I feel I'm a pretty good writer of technical stuff.  I have had numerous articles published in a variety of magazines.  I've written two technical books.  I've answered dozens (if not hundreds) of questions on line, which is, after all, a text based medium, even if I can include photos or link video clips (now).  It's the words.

So an innocuous question to another weaver suddenly resulted in a request to do some writing for a project she and another weaver are working on.  

It came out of  'no where' given my initial question to her but when it was posed it was like, yes, of course I can do that.  In fact, I am delighted to do that!

Their project is theirs to develop but I am happy to support them in their efforts.  If I am to truly take on the role of 'elder' or 'mentor' or just 'cheer leader', I don't need to be front and centre.  

As I told someone who essentially told me they were astonished they had learned something from me, I am confident in what I know and how well I can convey it.  Not that I am the 'best' teacher for everyone - far from it.  But for those who learn best in the way I teach, I think I'm pretty good at it.  And I think I'm a pretty good writer, too.  

And as one friend put it, it ain't bragging if it's true.

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