
Friday, August 5, 2022

Still Not Perfect


This photo isn't great, in part because I've taken it from beneath the breast beam so that both sides of the cloth can be seen.  The light isn't great so I have a side light which is washing it out on the right, and not illuminating it much on the left.  Oh well.  (Refer to the title of this post↑)

One side is more weft, the other side is more warp, and right now I can't really tell which I like better.  It will depend on how it is after wet finishing.

However, my journey into being 'not perfect' continues.

There was something 'off' while I was threading but I couldn't find it at the time so I carried on.  Then there was something 'off' in the sleying, but I couldn't find that, either, so I carried on.

Today I started weaving and almost immediately broke a warp thread because the shuttle ran into it and while I was fixing that, I noticed something...odd...nearby.  I looked and looked and looked and everything seemed fine.  Until I realized that point progression that ought to have been on shafts 1-4 and threaded 1,2,3,4,3,2, was in fact threaded,1

However the yarn is fine enough the epi is 40 and the float is natural weft on natural warp and pretty much invisible.  Except *I* knew it was there.  Sigh.

I'd already fixed a threading error yesterday, discovered as I sleyed, so my average for 'still not perfect' is pretty high (dammit).

I could have fixed it then and there, but it was so close to invisible I decided  to correct it at the cut line and finished weaving the first towel.  Which I made shorter so that it will be obvious that it is a 'second' when it joins the rest for wet finishing.  I have someone who adores purple and I know she won't be bothered by a nearly invisible threading error.

And, as I fixed the broken thread I discovered two loose ends that must have pulled out of the masking tape and were tangled around the warp.  They are now hanging off the 'valet' in the ceiling, hoping they will stay out of the way.  (↑)

I wasn't sure if I was going to be satisfied with this colour combination, in this thread, with this particular weave structure, but I am.  The stripes are not 'sharp' - the dark value colours were not exactly encouraged, but not prevented from moving into the pale colours - and vice versa.  So the stripes are blurred.  Sort of like blackened tree trunks seen through a haze of wood smoke.  Or in the winter in the fog.  Either image works for me.

The cloth is not under tension and it is undulating in the area between the breast beam and the cloth beam, which in the photo, makes it look quite interesting.  It should look interesting hanging from a fridge handle - or where ever they get hung.

So now I have 18 more towels to weave.  Oh, and I found exactly the right shade of a kind of orange/red to hem the last set of towels.  But first I have to finish hemming the towels from the previous warp.

Plus work on class prep, do my writing 'work' for my friends, stay on top of my marketing.  Et cetera.

Retirement, eh?  

How's that working for me?  Pretty well, all in all...  :)

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