I really thought this week would be less busy and I could spend more time weaving/writing/whatever. But it's tax season and I needed to meet with my financial advisor, then Wednesday there is a Zoom (for which I need to set up tonight) plus the truck needs to go into the shop for some warranty work, then the guild executive meeting is Friday and whoosh, this week is gone.
I'm over the halfway mark on the current warp so I have been cleaning up the next draft to make sure I have it the way it needs to be because hopefully the current warp will come off the loom this weekend. And then the next one can go on.
I have also managed to hit my goal with the essay writing, except today's took a bit of a tangent. I hadn't really planned on talking about teaching, as such, but that is what came out when I opened the file and started typing. Since this whole project was conceived by my subconscious, I figure I might as well give it full rein and let whatever comes out, come out.
Recently I commented to a friend that I feel like all that *I* am doing is typing, and struggling to keep up! OTOH, it feels good to just let it flow and see what is going on in that pot of 'soup' on the back burner that I call my brain. Seems there is also a different 'voice' in there who is insisting on being heard. Well, so far I think she's brought up some interesting things, so I will keep typing.
Today's essay makes 17 (I think) and I am hoping to get 5 per week done for the next 8 weeks which should put the collection at 60-ish - given I don't run out of ideas. Time will tell.
In the meantime today was quite lovely. The temps have warmed and the sun shone brilliantly most of the day. Sunset is coming later in the day so it feels like spring might be stirring. Although it's only the end of February, and anything can happen. So, we'll see.
So looking forward to this book of essays. "Since this whole project was conceived by my subconscious, I figure I might as well give it full rein and let whatever comes out, come out." -- that's the best creative idea I've heard in a long time!