
Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday, Monday


this is an 'old' photo - there are no empty spots on the shelves now...

Even though I'm no longer working (and frankly, as a self-employed person whose major public events were mostly on the weekends) Mondays come just like they usually do, and every day is a potential weaving day.

It's the last Monday in February and I am dealing with the February 'blues'.  I'm tired.  My body is tired of the cold.  Tired of the grey dreary days that seem so never ending in February.

Today I need to leave the house (dammit) so at some point, real soon, I need to get myself collected so I can do what needs to be done, preferably today while I need to go out for an appointment, so that I don't have to leave the house again until later in the week.

I'm an introvert and staying home with my looms and yarns is no real hardship.  OTOH, I have sold some towels so need to get the parcels to the post office.  And while my back  is 'better', it's still not great so that massage at 1 pm is not an indulgence but a necessity in order to keep going.

The past few days I was able to get back into my 'usual' routine - two towels a day.  The heap of 2/20 mercerized cotton is diminishing, but so slowly.  Lots of weaving in 2/20 cotton.  OTOOH, I'm quite enjoying the explorations in this new-to-me concept of shifted twill blocks.  Yesterday weaving was going well enough it only needed surface attention and I thought through an idea I had for another warp.  It had been simmering for a couple of weeks without my having the mental wherewithal to actually think it through, but yesterday I did.  Now I need to sit down with some graph paper and work out the details.  But I'm pretty sure I can do what I want to do.  Next step?  Chart it out.

When I get home from massage I will work on some small tasks that have been left to, um, mature?  More like waiting until I dug my round tuit out.  

I've been picking away at the hemming, although not nearly as much as I should be, and while I have done some more is coming down the pipeline.  At two towels or so per day, 20 towels tend to come off the loom every 12-14 days.  I'm already over the halfway mark on the current warp so it won't be long before those 20 towels are ready for wet finishing.  And then add them to the 14 towels needing to be hemmed.  

So the fact that today is Monday isn't all that big a deal in my scheme of things.  It's just another day to get to the loom, my happy place, see what else bubbles to the surface of that pot on the back burner.  Because I'm going to be doing a bunch more tea towel warps and there will be plenty of time to work through more options.  I have no idea where this will all end up, but I'm enjoying the journey!

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