
Monday, October 30, 2023

A New Week


wool loop scarves, heavily fulled, brushed to raise a nap

Yesterday I got the contract for another zoom presentation - this one in August of 2024.  For Magic in the Water.  :)

The contact form on my website appears to be working again, thanks to the help of my web guru.  

And this week is...fraught...with all sorts of appointments.

However, yesterday I finished the warp on the Megado, and then beamed the next warp.  Today I'm hoping to get my next Covid vax so it will be a good day for 'quiet' activities.  Threading and pressing the towels I wet finished on Friday are top of the list.  If I can get both of those done, I'll be happy to get weaving on the next warp at some point this week.  However, I have physio tomorrow, then the HVAC installation begins on Wednesday and I plan to remove myself to the guild room and see how many of those very dark blue towels I can get hemmed. 

Because the days are closing in for winter and it's really hard to see that dark navy blue in the evening.

I've been mulling over my options for the future.  So far I'm seeing only very slow improvement in my physical capabilities - so slow I told Doug that it was really hard to remember that things were 'worse' a few months ago.  I'm still so...compromised...and dealing with pain, that it's hard to remember that progress has happened, it's been so slow.

On Thursday I get the results of the blood work for the cancer clinic.  I'm hoping I'm still in remission, but I never truly know until I get the test results.  Then I need to phone the pain clinic and give them an update on how the SI injection is working.  I will also ask when I can increase the dose of the new medication, because I *think* it's working to damp down the peripheral neuropathy but I'd be truly grateful to have less pain.

Before I cut the warp off the loom yesterday, I got Doug to take a wee video of me weaving so the physiotherapist can see the physical motions.  That should help her decide if I'm working in a way that helps my body, not harms it further.  Given the damage to my SI joint, she warned me I may need to adjust my physical motions.  

However, I found the paperwork that details the type of cardiac stents I have and they are polymer based, not metal, and 'safe' for an MRI.  So I'm hoping I can get an appointment next month and find out exactly what is going on in my back.

In the meantime, I keep on, keeping on.  I still have stash to use up.  I still have ideas I want to pursue.

Be nice to be more comfortable while I do all that.

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