I've been on the internet for quite a long time (1994) and am no stranger to people being...less than civil. Over the years, I've carefully curated my 'space' on the internet, blocking some, ignoring others.
This blog (started in 2008) has had its fair share of 'abuse' which I have tended to ignore (ignoring the trolls is the best advice) and largely this approach has worked.
I've had people post 'ads' in the comments for their own 'business', which I generally just delete. I have actually blocked one or two people because of abusive comments and moved on. OTOH, when someone posts anonymously, there is no mechanism to block them.
Over the past month I have been targeted anonymously by one person for harassment and since I can't block them, I can deprive them of air by moderating the comments and when they comment I can delete their abuse before it goes public.
Therefore, for the next while comments to this blog will be moderated so that *you* don't have to see their abuse.
Having this happen has given me a greater appreciation for my readers. The people who have found this blog and been supportive and encouraging. They far *far* outnumber the few who have exhibited negative and in some cases outright disturbing behaviour.
I am grateful those people are still the minority and that I have managed to surround myself with like minded people who believe in love and acceptance, give support and encouragement.
Please do not be put off the moderation. I get an email when someone comments and can then approve the comment. I am not trying to prevent people from commenting - it is how I know people are reading and that my words may be resonating with others. It is this very feedback that keeps me writing.
I hope that the one person who appears to be aiming to spoil my day will soon grow bored with their comments not appearing in public and will go away. Perhaps they will find something more 'rewarding' to do with their time than spend time typing out abusive comments to post here. I hope they find the help they need, get the attention they appear to be trying to obtain.
To those people who DO read my posts and interact positively with me, thank you. I appreciate you and am grateful for the feedback.
It’s a shame someone is being abusive. Thankfully you can use the moderation option.