Thursday, March 6, 2025


still need to vacuum around the loom - the dust buffalo herds are getting quite large!

 It was really hard to get a good photo of the cloth currently on the loom, but I think if you squint you can see that the woven design depicts plain weave.  A visual woven 'pun' so to speak.

This is one of those cloths that you just kind of have to go forward with faith that it will turn out.  I don't usually do a lot of white on white anymore but I still have some of the white linen and the 2/20 merc. cotton, and I really liked the quality of the last warp I did with that combination so, here I am again.

Yesterday I printed out the rough copy of the next article (because it had some data in it I wanted to use) and started over again.  I realized that during the time I was trying to write I was struggling - too much pain, and too much current events.  It seemed better to me to just begin again, with a clearer head.

Does that mean I think I've found the 'correct' pain med for me?  No, not really.  It has been just 5 days and I feel as though things are still settling down.  And I have no idea if it will actually be effective for me, so, onwards.

I've got the contract for the 'next' WEFT article and it looks like it is going to be fun, so I want to finish off this one and get it into the production stream.  Mostly I want to clear the mental 'decks' so that I can jump into the next set of samples.  These will be 'finished' items, not just 'samples'.  

I am grateful that I can still weave and see how my fibre 'dreams' turn out.  Some do as I expect, some do not.  It's all grist for the mill, so to speak.  

Right now we are in spring break up - which is far too early, but winter could re-visit us yet in March.  In the meantime I'm enjoying seeing the sun and how much longer the daylight hours are becoming.

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