Most people seem to assume that creativity bursts upon one in a sudden, perfect thought, no editing or changing allowed.
We watch a program called Fake or Fortune. In it an art dealer/expert and a journalist pair up to try and trace the provenance and/or originality of a painting. Sometimes it gets quite convoluted, but one of the experts on the program will use technology to try to see what's under the surface. When they use the technology, they can see below the surface paint and see the under drawings, and track the small (or sometimes large) changes the painter made as they were planning the painting.
Creatively isn't so much visual fireworks, but a fair bit of brain cramping, forehead scrunching, changing this, that, and something else, until being finally 'satisfied' enough to begin the actual creation of the item.
At no point am I ever assured of 'success' until I put the warp into the loom, weave it and then wet finish it. Potters have a trial by fire; weavers a trial by water.
And why I am adamant that it isn't finished until it's wet finished.
In Stories from the Matrix, I tried to talk about the sorts of things that are rarely discussed. The balancing act of taking the things that need to be done and explain why I used them in a specific way.
And other musings I tend to think about while throwing the shuttle.
I am weaving the next warp, and as of today I will hit the 1/3rd mark. I'm still struggling with the new pain medication. There are too many variables and it is time to let my body rest while I use the new medication and see if - as it was explained to me recently - that I do have to choose the pain I will be living with. I have been on the new medication for 9 days and there have been some improvements, but still some pain. It's like playing whack-a-mole - I address one thing, but 2 or 3 more pop their heads up and which I hope to keep them down.
Yesterday I finally did 'something' about some of the clutter in my office. I was trying to write the text for the current article and realized that with so much chaos going on in the world, I needed to clear some of it out of my office. I can *almost* see the top of the desk now. But I need more work space, so I'm going to carry the tv trays up and give myself some flat space to work on that isn't cluttered.
In so many ways I am 'done' with this project, in part because of the transition between meds. My concentration is shot and my energy levels nearly non-existent. My goal for the coming week is to keep weaving twice a day, and work on the data for the article.
And, given the tariff and USPS situations, I am going to go ahead and mail the samples for the previous article and send them by courier. I hear that the Seattle post office is overwhelmed and any mail that needs to be routed via Seattle are not getting delivered in a timely fashion. And because I have no idea what will happen with a courier and the tariffs, well, a courier will at least get my parcel back to me if they can't deliver it. I may have to consider not sending samples to the US but offer to take photos myself?
Still thinking...
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