With the 'death' of my old computer I lost some of my tools that I'd learned how to use and make work for me. One of them was the ability to copy a draft in Fiberworks, paste the draft into a graphics program, and then save that to my photo file.
That graphics program went away and I'm still trying to work out how to make images that I can post here and elsewhere. So, not sure if this will work or not, but the draft is showing here in the editing portion of blogspot, so hopefully it will actually appear in the post!
I'm coming down the homestretch of the current warp with several more in the queue. The one that was supposed to be next isn't calling to me so I'm going to let that one slumber and skip over to the next.
The goal with all this tea towel frenzy is to weave up as much yarn as possible that was wound onto pirns for a previous order that fell through and left me with boxes of pirns filled with 2/16 cotton.
I promised to ship the empty pirns in April so I've been working my way through as many of those pirns as I can. Well, I won't get them all emptied, but I've done a great job, even if I do say so myself.
The next box has a variety of hues in the pastel range of value. I have just enough white on hand (by using both natural and bleached white) to wind a warp and the pastel colours will work on a white warp very nicely. Plus - spring!
I took the 'rose' (or cats paw) motif out of the Snails Trails and Cats Paws design, changed the size for the alternating rows and framed it with a few repeats of a straight progression.
The 'right' side of the cloth will be the side with the roses in colour with a white background. But I will weave it 'upside down' in order to lift the fewest number of shafts.
There are four or maybe five towels left to weave on the current warp. Better get up and at 'em!
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