Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hurry Up (and wait)


This morning I had the physiotherapy assessment.  I had the loom set up, but the therapist needed to set another time slot in order to address any actual therapy.  I decided that maybe I would be a 'good' girl and wait until there was time to go through the loom and how it functions.  I'm not entirely sure how much the therapist knows about weaving, and I would rather wait one more week before I start trying on different ways to work towards learning what I should be doing.  Or even just shorter time slots, to be getting on with.

It was a thorough discussion - what I was able to do, and I could not, and between my knowing how to weave and the therapist's knowledge of how to move one's body, I am willing to wait one more week and get a little stronger.

There have been areas where I definitely feel like I'm getting stronger, and it seems about right to get myself working better before trying to weave on the loom.

In the meantime, I can adjust my strength.

I have the first two linen towels ready.  The first will be listed next, and the 2nd has already been listed on my ko-fi shop.  As usual prices are listed in Canadian dollars.  The rates by Canadian posts have gone up since last spring.  I am going to keep the rates the same for the time being.

A reminder of my ko-fi show address...

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