Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Drifts of Days Gone By


I keep looking at the calendar, wondering where the past weeks have disappeared to.  

I am still dealing with whip lash issues in my jaw and neck.  I still have less energy than I had before I fell, and while I was thought I was tired then, I'm even more tired now.

And yet.  I have been told by more than a few medical professionals how 'well' I am doing.  If this is 'well', well...

At this point in time I 'work' (if I could call it 'work') about 30 minutes a day, spread over two sessions.  In between I tend to sit in the recliner feeling tired, or if I can't stand it, I can make my way to the dining room table and poke at the jigsaw puzzle.

My massage therapist keeps me sane by recognizing how much it irks me to have to sit and sit and sit.

I did manage to do a little extra 'work' today.  I measured and labelled 5 shawls and put prices on them.  A guild member said that she would come by and bring my box and hanging bag up to the guild room.

Right now - and for the next few months - I will not be driving.  There is swelling in my skull, still, and part of the whiplash has caused my eye glasses to not fit properly, nor my hearing aids.  Seems like a good idea that I not start driving, maybe not until winter lets go of us.

That said, just going from 15 minutes a day to two 15 minute weaving sessions finally begins to feel like 'work'.  Or at least, a level of productivity.

I've emailed a short article to the weaving magazine - now to find out if it fits their criteria.  I have no judgement if my writing is decent or...not.

I think the most discombulating of all of this is...losing my judgement.  I could usually tell if my writing was ok - or at least - acceptable.  Now I have no idea of grammar or...whatever is needed.  The first 3 or 4 times I read through it I'm not even sure all the words there, or how many duplicates are in the sentences.

It's very frustrating.  

But I am not the only person dealing with difficult things.  Which doesn't make what I'm going through less frustrating, but at least, nearly 8 weeks on this part of my journey, seems like there are small increments of progress beginning to happen.

Patience, Grasshopper...

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