One of the challenges in getting my studio organized was trying to figure out what to do with all the little stuff that one uses on a daily/weekly basis. One wants it close to hand, but out of the way.
A friend gave me this shoe storage bag for Christmas one year. It's been great for storing those every day things, and some of the weird stuff that I don't know where to put but need to put 'away' somewhere.
As you can see, I could use a dozen more pockets, but so far I've been living with the vertical clutter in preference to the horizontal clutter these items would create on my work space. :)
You can also see my other secret weapon in terms of organization. Post-It Notes. Lots and lots of Post-It Notes. In many colours and shapes. Sometimes I use the colours for different tasks. Sometimes I just grab the first pad of them that comes to hand!
I write down scratch notes for warps - Length, Width, EPI - and toss them into the box with the wound warp so I don't forget what I did. Sometimes a wound warp will languish for months (nay, years!) before I finally get to weaving it. :( Sometimes what seemed like A Good Idea At The Time doesn't seem like such a great idea later, so that box may get shoved onto a shelf somewhere until I can come up with A Better Idea. :}
Progress on The Job List continues, and as is wont to do, grows in about equal proportion to my crossing things off. :} Life. Gotta love it. :D
Hey, Laura, I use a transparent shoe bag, the kind you hang over the closet door. I found one that's about six feet long...20 pockets in 5 four-across rows and two big pockets at the bottom. I love that I can see what's in the pockets.
Second on the post-its!
Good idea on the see through pockets. :)
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