Well, I got the video editing software installed yesterday, with many thanks for the help from my webmaster. You know, the one who lives 500 miles away? The man is magic! ;)
So this morning I did a quick test video clip and was very pleased that the upgrade is almost identical to the way the old program worked. It has extra features that I simply didn't have the time or patience to work my way through this morning. Hopefully when I'm back from our trip at the end of the month I'll feel inclined to tackle adding titles and such. :)
There is nothing like seeing yourself as others see you to provide a reality check. I've known for several years that I'm packing way too much weight, but have been unable until recently to do anything about it. After watching myself in action this morning, I'm more than ever determined to peel some more weight off (I've managed about 5 pounds so far). While I have a private ideal goal weight, ultimately I'm going to be satisfied if I just manage to take some more off. Losing weight is a factor of my returning health and all I want is to be healthy, knowing that packing around less weight will make being healthy easier and that life will be a lot more pleasant. And who knows, I might even fit into some of my handwoven clothing again! :D
You can watch the video here: http://3.ly/6szB
That is pretty darn cool! Thanks for sharing that technique. I'll be using it the next chance I get.
Also, I hear you on the inspirational effect of seeing yourself on video. That played a part in my desire to get to a more healthy weight.
I second that! VERY VERY COOL!
And so, um, what's the worddddd... efficient! :-)
Syne, you inspired me with attaining your goal weight! When I saw that you'd done it, I really got determined to work on *my* weight.
This clip ain't the greatest quality - I just wanted to see if I could make the upgrade work. I should have re-shot it when I realized the framing was a little too tight. :( But it's a learning experience! And space is at a premium in my studio - really hard to get distance shots!!!
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