While I was away the brochure for NEWS arrived. I'm looking for another group in the New England area (or at least further east than the mid-West) to share travel costs with NEWS. The dates for the NEWS conference are July 14-17. Any groups interested in having a workshop with me either side of those dates?
Their website is not active yet but when it is you can find it at http://3.ly/uF3u
I'll be presenting at the Assoc. of Quebec Weavers the first weekend in June, followed by vending at HWSDA in Calgary AB. There is also a fibre festival in Grand Forks, BC in August which I'm just waiting to hear back from re: seminars. One of the topics they've requested is The Business of Weaving. I'm sure people will want to discuss pricing as that seems to be the most difficult thing of all for people who want to sell their textiles to come to terms with.
Today I dealt with some sample skeins for dyeing from Ashland Bay. They have a lovely light weight mohair boucle. I've designed a knitted scarf using the boucle and their lace weight merino/silk blend that I think ought to look really nice - I'll start knitting that tonight in undyed yarns just so I can see if it's going to work out like I think (hope?) it will.
Once I have some of the yarn dyed I'll work on a woven scarf, too. I have to start thinking ahead to the fall sales and what I'm going to do re: vending yarns. It's so very tempting to just sell off what I've got and down size that aspect of the studio. OTOH, sales of textiles are practically nil from January to August so selling yarns at least keeps some cash flowing during those 'down' times.
The good news is that my other upright wheel has sold - after the Jacey Boggs workshop. I need that wheel for the workshop. Bad enough I'm such a novice spinner - I at least have to show up with a wheel! Although I'm sure my friend would be happy to loan me a wheel, I may as well use one I'm used to using. :}
This morning the silk shawl warp got threaded, sleyed and tied on. Now to go weave a shawl. There are 19 more warps and I need more colours for weft so having a dye day on Monday is imperative!
Guess I'd better go down there and do something about getting that shawl woven.
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