Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Full Calendar


My life is over run with appointments, along with a dearth of energy.  No matter how much I tell myself it's ok, it doesn't feel like it.

This week one or other - or both - of us have appointments, one of them the flu shot, to be followed in a few weeks by Covid.  We decided that since there were several weeks between both, we'd do them one at a time.    The bug we caught (some nasty cold) lingers and Doug is still coughing a lung up.  (He's had multiple cases of pneumonia which have left his lungs vulnerable.)

Neither of us wants to catch anything else, and we make sure we tell people that we have a bug to let them know we don't want to share it, and at the minute we are protecting *them*, not just us.

I have just added another appointment to my calendar for Friday, which had been 'empty'.

In the meantime I am faithfully heading to the loom twice a day, for 15 minutes each.  The big job now is to increase my leg muscles so that I can get back to two 45 minutes a day.  It feels good to be there, and now that I'm weaving again I can start to work on regaining the physical fitness I lost over nearly 8 weeks.

But everyone cautions me to take it easy.  So, I am working really hard on doing just that.  The earliest I've been warned is to not even think about regaining what I want/need is 2.5 months, and that is just getting started on getting my brain working again.  (e.g., I wrote the next appointment down for next week instead of this, but my brain kicked in and I was able to put it on the correct day...)

I don't always 'hear' the words being spoken to me, and I don't always recognize the words that come out of my mouth.  And until I can see the speech therapist, I will likely continue have to problems.  In the meantime I play some games (Scrabble and such) and hope to encourage my brain to use the neuroplasticity our brains are capable of, and try to work on writing (still hiccoughs, there, too). 

On the other hand, after some really dull dreary days, the sun is shining brilliantly, and even though the autumn coloured leaves have mostly dropped on the ground, it's a pretty day.

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