Doug is sick with a nasty cough/cold and has been run off his feet trying to deal with all of his own stuff and what I can't do for myself as well, so I asked a friend to help me get the textiles ready for the up coming show at the Community Arts Council "Studio Shoppe".
There was one bucket of things from the sale last weekend and Loralee sorted through the storeroom filling two more. I don't know how much they want for the exhibit, so figured it would be easier to send lots and let them choose.
If I remember correctly the other artisan is a woodworker so I sent some tea towels and table runners as well as scarves and shawls.
It probably would have been a good idea to send a display rack, but that was just too much to contemplate considering I wasn't able to schlep it over there myself.
I'm trying to cross one thing off my to-be-done list everyday. This was a biggie!
Currently reading The Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett
Sounds like you're working your way through the entire Terry Pratchet oeuvre while you're less-than-mobile. He's certainly full of merry pranksters and droll humor, which is a good thing to indulge in when you're not feeling 100%. Take care! And relay some "get well" wishes to Doug.
Yay for biggies! Yay for friends! Yay for being over halfway to the big healing goal!
I've bought Doug the entire TP series for bd/Xmas prezzies over the last few years and have not had an opportunity to read them myself. So I am. :}
Yes, I keep telling myself I'm over the hump. Having the sun shine so I can sit and bask in it has definitely helped my mood. :)
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