Spent much of the morning today getting some things pressed. I have an industrial steam press which makes short work of the pressing, but since I like to make it worthwhile to fire up the boiler I usually do a large batch of pressing all at once.
Today I did four of the shawls woven recently, some scarves that had been hanging around waiting for the next pressing day, and the red tea towels woven with the red linen as weft. Now I've got a stack of hand hemming to do in the evenings....
And whoo-hoo! The red cotton - other than a few dribs and drabs on bobbins - is used up. The rest won't go to waste as there is plenty to do lace with.
The two shawls pictured are from two different warps, woven in September and October. The one on the left has Bambu 12 as weft, the other has 2/8 Tencel weft. There is still a big stack of them left to fringe twist, but I wanted to get some of them done in time for a sale on Nov. 23rd.
Today I started weaving shawls on the last red warp. Well, actually I started last night, but after thinking about it overnight, decided that I wasn't going to be best pleased with 32 picks per inch and decided to roll the 6" I had woven last night forward and start again at 30 picks per inch. It doesn't look much different, but there will be a difference in the hand of the cloth.
The shawls are beautiful. I was very interested in your changing the picks per inch by 1 to get better drape. What epi are you using? I ask the question because I wonder if you are making it just a bit warp dominant to get the drape. I'm nowhere near to being as refined a weaver as you are but you sure do provide me with a wonderful model for the importance of details.
Hi Peg,
These shawls are 32 epi with 2/20 mercerized cotton warp. The weft is either Bambu 12 (approx. 2/16 grist) or 2/10 Tencel, so somewhat thicker than the warp. Both the bamboo and the Tencel drape quite well after wet finishing, but because they are that much thicker, I chose to open the ppi to 30. The Tencel was also woven in a weave structures with fewer interlacements in order to encourage more drape.
oops - that's 2/8 Tencel for weft.
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