One of the people who was at the lace show-and-share in January is a member of the weavers guild and took this photo on Wed. evening. I like this photo because it more closely looks like how I think I look! :D Thanks, Sue.
One of the other guild members brought in a pewter plate which has a motif of a young lady making lace on it.
Today I meet with the two people I get together with to make lace for a couple of hours. Between the three of us and our busy travel schedules we try and meet every couple of weeks. Gives us a chance to catch up and fwip a few bobbins. Karin is much better than either of us and actually makes lace in between, but it seems like Jennifer and I can't get to the pillows without a set date. :)
On the weaving front, not too much going on as I continue to nurse the loom's computer along and work on the workshop for Grand Forks, BC in April. The warp is over half done, and I'm still hoping to finish it off before I leave on Thursday for Boise. And then I think I'll do something - anything! - other than tea towels! At least for one warp, anyway. :D
I have really been enjoying your blog. Have you read the novel "The Lace Reader" by Brunonia Barry. Bobbin lace plays a role in the story.
No I haven't read that - will have to look! :D
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