Got an email yesterday saying Coby was driving to PG today - several days sooner than expected given the weather we've been having all over the place. So I was caught a bit flat footed, thinking I had a couple more days to mosey along finishing the green tea towel warp and dressing the loom with the next one.
So, anaemia be d*mned, I steamed through the green tea towel warp, wound the colours I'd pulled for the next warp and just now finished beaming it. Taking a break before I start threading.
Occasionally I will do a time study, especially if I'm trying a new-to-me technique. So today I paid attention to how long it took to rough sley the reed (15 minutes) and beam the warp. From the time I inserted the reed into the beater until the time I cut off the loom waste was 29 minutes.
The warp is 2/16 cotton at 32 epi approx. 22.5 inches wide, and 11 meters long.
The threading is pretty simple - I'm sticking with the simple herringbone twill of the last two warps, and it should not take more than a little over an hour to thread. I'm expecting to get it threaded before Doug gets home from work at 6:15 or so, have a quick dinner (I love leftovers!) sley and tie on - hopefully before Coby arrives. She was thinking 12 hours to drive, but since the roads are in winter condition - it may take longer. Much more important that she get here in one piece. I don't mind staying up later if she decides to push through tonight. We're pretty much night owls, anyway. :}
But for now - it's back to the loom.
It's hard to tell on my computer screen - what colors are in that tea towel warp? It looks like natural, with some wide yellow stripes... are there also some dark narrow stripes in there?
The colours are a yellow-ish beige, a pale blued grey and a fairly dark blue as the accent stripe.
Coby is weaving with a natural white slub and it's turning out beautifully.
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