Click on the picture for an enlargement and check out those selvedes!
Nicole arrived shortly after 1 pm and we reviewed how to hold and throw the shuttle (she'd done a bit last Tuesday at the guild room) and the quirks of my particular loom. It's a rescue loom and has a few eccentricities in terms of advancing the warp.
I'd set the loom up with a fairly thick wool at 10 epi and Nicole wound some bobbins (again we'd reviewed that last Thursday with Sarah) and she set to weaving some plain weave. Then I showed her the treadling variations I'd printed out for her and she wove about 6" of each.
Then I showed her how to weave with an open beat with a very fine wool as well as a boucle and she did a bit of that.
Then she chose one of the treadlings from the sampler, I showed her how to hemstitch and she wove a table runner (about 36"). She was running out of time so I hemstitched the other end of the runner, gave her instructions for how to wet finish (well, you didn't think I wouldn't, did you?) and she left with nearly 3 yards of woven web for her afternoon's efforts.
And some aching muscles. :)
She'll come back Friday and we'll do a scarf warp for her, but this time she will have to wind her own warp and dress the loom with supervision.
Currently reading Wildfire in the Wilderness by Chris Czajkowski (I've met Chris on the craft fair circuit where she sells her books. This is just one of several she's written about her experiences living in the wilds of north/western BC.)
Nice selvedges, Nicole! And welcome to the warp side...
YAY Nicole! Weaving is just the most awesome thing ever. :-)
Excellent work! Welcome, Nicole, to the fiberholic's club.
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