I suppose that while piles of product in process probably don't really qualify as clutter, until they are put onto the shelves ready to be sold clutter is actually what they are.
So it was with a great deal of satisfaction I surveyed these piles of scarves, all of them woven since the end of September, ready to be wet finished. I even did the fringe twisting on the 32 scarves in the background myself - a job I usually hire out. But deadlines were looming, my fringe twisting elf moved away and I was trepidatious about shipping them to her and getting them back in time for One of a Kind next week. Not to mention the extra expense of shipping.
Unfortunately after I'd finished patting myself on the back for getting all that twisting done, I found another bucket with four shawls and 8 rayon chenille scarves, also needing fringe twisting. So instead of clearing the table off (I do the twisting on the table so I can sort-of watch tv while I'm doing it) it is now more cluttered than ever because the shawls are nearly 4 times the width of the scarves. Oh well. Only four of them. I doubt I'll get very much of that done before we leave on Tuesday for OOAK, but at least they are now in the system, so to speak, and ought to be done before the end of the year.
In the meantime the AVL sits nekkid, but I'm dressing the small loom with one of the last 8 painted scarf warps. These ones are Tencel and Bamboo and should not be nearly so tangled so I'm hoping to get as many of those woven off as I can by the end of the year, too. I think I counted 8 warps - should be able to weave those off without too much trouble. The twisting? That might take a little longer. :}
Year end is looming - a good time to finish some things that have been cluttering up my studio, store room and thinking.
Are there words in those scarves?? Will any be on your ArtFire store? I have longed for weaving with words in it for such a long time... I would love to whisper to Santa about Laura Fry scarves with words....
Hi Sharon,
The scarves are indeed material with a message. http://LauraFry.artfire.com for
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