Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Buddy

Before leaving hospital, a volunteer from the Pacific Open Heart Assoc. Came by to drop off my new buddy...this very red heart shaped pillow.  

The pillow is used when necessary, like when coughing or sneezing, to help protect the sternum.  

So if you ever see anyone clutching one of these, they might need assistance with opening doors, reaching for stuff, maybe just a kind word.  

The good news is that this shit used to just up and steal people away, sometimes right from under our noses like my brother in 2008 and now it doesn't have to.

Don Wm Holzworth.  RIP.  Dec. 2, 1956-Feb 28, 2008


Sandra Rude said...

Yes, it IS good news. Hope you'll be home & sleeping in your own bed soon.

Leola's Studio said...

So glad to hear your voice
Be well

Unknown said...

So glad you're back Laura! Your Heart Pillow is your best friend. My husband carried his around for a long time after his heart surgery.

Anonymous said...

I send you a little piece of my heart with best wishes for your uneventful recovery.

Barb said...

Prayers and Healing Light coming your way. Clutch that pillow, clutch it hard! I had a hysterectomy back in l971 when I was 17 due to cancer. I have a scar from my pubic bone to my navel. I could have used a pillow like that back then....lots of ouch-y moments. I am glad someone gave you a pillow!! It was so good to "hear" from you today.

Susan said...

Ah, yes... the breast bone needs to knit. I omitted that detail before your surgery as you seem tense enough ! But I'm sure someone wearing a white coat would have mentioned that to you at some point.

Its good that you are on "the other side" of this now and things should improve day by day .....speaking from my own recent surgical recovery experience, this is where we learn patience Grasshopper!

Have a safe trip home..... and we are off to see my father this weekend ahead of his heart surgery. Sorry to have missed you ...

Johnetta Heil said...

I still carry my pink heart pillow that the Cancer folks gave me before my operation. Helps with seat belts that rub the wrong way.

I am soooo very happy to hear you posting again. Doug was super but nothing can take your place :)

Laura Fry said...

Knew about it because mom went through it three years ago. :-/


DebbieB said...

Every day you are healing. Each day brings you one step closer to being complete and whole again, like each pick on the loom builds your cloth.

the Mighty M said...

So glad you're doing well enough to clutch a pillow. May you have a quick and painless healing!

Katie said...

Yes, many people stolen away. The new reality is being built every day. I'm glad to be a part of today's reality. So nice to see you posting!

Benoît said...

It's so good to hear from you! Rest, take time to heal well, be confident and grateful :-)

terri said...

Here's to a quick and uneventful recovery!