Red Hot Shawl
Tried to get a picture of the red scarf warp in the loom, but the colour gradations are too subtle and it just looked 'red' instead of red hot, like it looks on the loom.
So instead I'm showing a photo of a painted warp shawl that I wet finished last week and Karena trimmed and tagged this morning, ready for the craft fair here Oct. 31/Nov. 1.
While I'm getting a lot of satisfaction out of weaving plain weave at the moment, I do love my painted warps woven in various twills, too. :D
The subtle play of light against the warps/wefts adds a richness and depth that you simply can't get with plain weave.
I'm hitting the road as early as I can shift myself out of bed - but in the meantime I still have to finish packing.
I'm going to finish that red hot scarf on the loom first, though....
Currently reading Hard Ball by Sara Paretsky (set aside the Medieval one for now - it's pretty dry reading, albeit interesting - something to pick up when I'm home again)
This might be a strange question, but did you feel warmer when you were weaving the red shawl? I once wove some pieces out of 5/2 cotton in a color called "Red Hot" and I swear I got hotter and sweatier weaving those pieces then I did weaving the green and blue pieces.
Of course, it was North Carolina in the summer... but still....
No, I can't remember that I did feel warmer - physically - but the colour red does warm me psychologically.
Besides, being a woman of a certain age with her own micro-climate - I'm never sure what's going on anyway. :^)
who finished one scarf - may try for a second yet tonight
Laure, I'm sure you've heard this one, but, in case you haven't, at our ages, we have POWER SURGES. OK? The scarf is lovely.
I am spending the day un-squashing the 8-shaft "humbug."
Nancy C
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