Made pretty significant progress today in spite of some retail therapy (shopping for a new vacuum cleaner) and continuing issues with pain. :(
Got a better picture of the cloth tonight. It still looks better in photos than it does in real life - go figure! Maybe I should get over being disappointed and withhold judgement until after it's wet finished. It's the advice I'm always giving others, after all. :}
Tally for the day - 6 towels, 6 yards. I'm over the one-third mark and should be able to finish this warp off by Monday at the latest.
I think I've got enough yarn for one more warp. It will take that to finish off the pesky linen. Haven't rummaged through the buckets yet, but if I remember correctly there might just be sufficient for another 20 yard warp. That should put a period to using the 12 and 24 nm linen doubled.
Doug works opening shift tomorrow - if I can drag myself out of bed at 5:15 I should be able to get an early start. I'd like to weave at least 6 more towels Saturday. Sunday it's lace and I'm looking forward to getting together with the other gals to fwip (technical term) a few bobbins.
The other thing that happened today is that I was invited to be Featured Artist at the CAC Studio Shoppe for April and May. The official opening reception will be April 8. We get back from Fibres West on Monday March 29 and I have to deliver inventory to them before March 30. It looks like March is going to be a bit crazy with appointments and deadlines.
Oh yes - deadlines are my friend. Nearly forgot!
Currently reading Vanished by Kat Richardson
Do you suppose it's the flash making a difference, Laura? I'm always surprised at how different my weaving looks in a photo taken with a flash, a photo with no flash, and in different lights.
Hi Sharon,
I took the first pics without any flash at all, this one with the flash. Yes, the quality of the light - incandescent, flourescent, flash - all will affect how the colours 'read'.
I think there are 6 towels left to weave - hooray!
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