This warp has a little bit of everything in it. :) These are the yarns from the pastel colour gamp kit, all mixed up, a little bit like fruit salad.
On the other hand, it's a nice, spring-like colour combination, and I'm enjoying weaving on it very much.
The weft is a fine cotton slub, the weave structure is twill blocks treadled in points. I think you can see the treadling but click on the photo for a close up.
Mizz B came today. She cut and serged the two place mat warps I got woven last week then wound two more mat warps for me, again using some of the pastel colour gamp colours. One warp using one end of pale blue, one end of lavender. The other uses a pale orange and yellow. Should also be nice and spring-like to work on.
I'll dress the Fanny loom tomorrow and continue with my therapy weaving.
Speaking of which, the physiotherapist said everyone should have a foot powered loom to help recover from a broken ankle. :)
I've got stretches to help loosen the muscles/tendons at the back of my ankle. The good news is that I'm now able to stand with my weight equally distributed on both feet. Am getting really close to being able to stop using the moon boot I hope. But it's obvious that I'm not going to run any marathons or climb any mountains any time soon. :} No matter, so long as I can weave!
Currently reading The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett
Looks good enough to eat!
(And hooray for sensible physiotherapists, too!)
Now that is a wonderful therapy, and maybe I will insist I need my weaving time as it is THERAPY! Lovely therapy cloth you are weaving. Reminds me of spring or an ice cream parlor.
Your comment about running a marathon reminds me of the old joke:
Patient: Doctor, doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the surgery on my hands?
Doctor: Sure you will!
Patient: That's great news - I couldn't play the piano before!
So maybe you won't be a marathon runner but you will still be a most wonderful weaver!
Got the 1200 end pillows done and the next warp on the loom. It's more playing-with-color and I threaded it different than I had intended so it will be potholders instead of a scarf. Flexibility is certainly my friend on this one! :-D
Congratulations on your rapid improvement re: ankle! Was it just a week ago that it was very tender, then a couple of days ago you were 50%? Weaving is definitely a healing art! And I love that warp - so pretty and cheerful.
I love the spring colors in this warp and the pattern!!
You are doing very well! (as always :)
I am sharing the same attitude with you of "not letting it beat you" and great that it helps the healing!
Best wishes for your ankle to be soon as good as new!!!
I love reading your blogs and contributions to weaving newsletters. Have your book The Magic is in the Water. Finally got a loom and began weaving when I retired from teaching. I was hooked before I even started, even more so now, 5 years later! Broke my left arm on a book club picnic last week but have been happy to discover I can weave one handed! 5 of my 6 looms are warped which is the part I couldn't do one handed, so I'm all set to practice patience weaving slowly with one hand. SOOOO happy I can still weave! From Bosey in NC
Yikes - so sorry to hear you broke your arm. That's been my one consolation throughout this experience - I could still knit, hem, make bobbin lace etc. :D
Hope you're back in the pink quickly.
Weaving is therapy in more ways than the physical, isn't it? Glad you're doing so well.
Hi Laura, if you have a spinning wheel, it does wonders for that ankle. I had a serious ankle injury that after 5 years the swelling was just as bad as a week after it happened, I could hardly walk more then a block without excruciating pain. I started spinning, and when I switched to a double treadle (my left foot) within three weeks, all swelling gone, and no stiffness or pain. The only time it bothers me now is when I haven't spun for a few weeks...like right now due to all the dyeing. Wishing you the best.
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