One of the challenges when one is using up stash is that at times there might not be quite enough of the yarn/colour needed to complete a warp. :}
Once this lovely pale blue and lavender warp was wound, I looked at what was left over and decided there wasn't enough of the pale blue to use two ends in the weft bundle so I went hunting in the store room. Lo and behold, a cone of 2/8 cotton in a darker value but greyed so that it would 'fit' with the other two colours was lurking in a corner.
This darker blue would not have been my first choice, but in the end I'm quite happy with it.
It's these happy little surprises that keep me coming back to the loom. I wound up using the same darker blue for the hem because I didn't want to run out of the pale blue. Of course, you know what this means....I'll be left with an ounce of the pale blue!
But I'll also have used up some of the darker blue cone. A cone which probably dates from the mid-90's! I also found a couple of peach cones so they'll also be used to make up a warp with a pale shade of orange. The cloth will probably resemble orange sherbet and whipped cream. Yum. A nice thought for a rather grey and gloomy day.
On the ankle front, I can now tolerate about 90% of my weight on my left foot. This is very exciting because it means I'm getting very close to being able to walk again. Hooray!
Currently reading Beyond the Cleavage by Raquel Welch
Congrats on the healing foot!
The fine cotton slub that you use for so many things.... is that still available for purchase somewhere?
What - you ran out of Terry Pratchett's books?
I'm glad the ankle is healing!
Hi Sharon, I sell the cotton slub. :) Email me for details.
Hi Sandra, I have two more of Pratchett's but a couple of my library requests came in so I have to read them - they have deadlines. The other one is the new C. J. Box. I'm still waiting for Guy Gavriel Kay, Laurie R King and a few others to come in, including Eric Nylund's latest (dh of Syne Mitchell) :D
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