dancing butterflies.....
I envy people who receive revelations complete and in full colour. I rarely do.
Rather it seems like revelations for me are like jigsaw puzzles. You know - the really hard ones? The ones that may take weeks or months or even years to finally finish?
This morning I appear to have set the last piece of the current puzzle into place. The puzzle of what to weave. What do do with the rest of my life - for however long that may be.
One thing about having health issues is that one gains a heightened awareness of just how fragile this life is, and how short one's alloted time may be. Dealing with such issues the past few years has brought me to the realization that I have had a very good life in many ways, but that I am not a young immortal. Some people would even consider me.........old. :D
My new direction is still settling into place. I'm working on the technical details of the cloth I want to construct. I may even submit some of it to Handwoven, in which case I should not publish photos or details here until I decide if I am and whether or not they will accept it for publication.
So I won't say more about that now. I'll just say that my little heart is going pit-a-pat with anticipation.
Currently reading Death's Excellent Vacation by Harris et al
You're never too old for the anticipation pit-a-pats!
If YOU are 'old" then, so am I, and I am NOT!!!!
I refuse.....
I don't mind my age - kind of enjoy it actually. :D If I wasn't this old, I wouldn't have the experience and knowledge that I have. Priceless. :DDDD
My birthday was last Monday and I was gleefully proclaiming my age - 47. Someone made a joke about me being much younger than that and I said "NO NO! It takes a really long time to get this old and I want to enjoy it!"
Hi Sharon - a happy belated bd. :) And I love your attitude. I'm enjoying my 'age' too. :D Remember, she with the most birthdays lives longest.
You are never old until you think you are...which should be NEVER! Nice to have some exciting projects on the horizon. I just started knitting a lace project which may take me years but it is a challenge and I think our brains need that. Can't wait to see your finished project in Handwoven...and yes I am confident it WILL be there!
I love those butterflies! And I'm glad I got my registration in early for the class in January; sounds like maybe it will be a sell-out.
I'm getting really excited about the trip and getting away from 'real' winter for a few weeks. :D I can't remember how many I said I'd take but there are a few more spots left for sure.
Looking forward to being at JCC Folk School (and Durham, and Florida.....)
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