This afternoon I went to Jennifer's where I met with her, Karin and her g/son Anthony to make lace. I had cut the teeny, tiny green thread off, wound bobbins and even started the red bookmark this morning and immediately ran afoul of the pattern. Since I had successfully done a couple of repeats of this pattern in the teeny, tiny threads, I was totally perplexed why it wasn't working in the 'fat' 2/20 red.
Finally I just bundled everything up and took it to Jennifer's where I undid everything I'd done and started over. Only to bungle it again. And again. And yet again! I mean, I've heard of Sudden Onset Alzheimer's - just never expected it to happen overnight!
It was a day for going backwards as at one point all four of us were unweaving our lace instead of weaving it. At which point it got funny and we had a good laugh and kibitz'd for a good hour until I finally "got" the pattern and started making forward progress, Jennifer unwove Anthony's spider, and Karin had unwoven what she'd done to the point where forward progress was going to be possible.
Sides aching, we called it quits, set dates for out next get together (late in November) and left.
All three of us have busy schedules but we make sure to have dates for at least two lace days coming up before we leave.
Community is important. If it weren't for this commitment to each other I think that Jennifer and I at least, would not make nearly as much lace as the little bit we do accomplish. Karin is much more dedicated to working on her lace in between our lace days.
We've known each other since 1995 when I taught a couple of classes at the local arts centre. (yes, I taught them both how to do lace which made it particularly funny when I was so completely stunned and Jennifer had to show me how to work the bookmark today.)
The internet community is also important to me. But I have come to realize how much time it takes out of my day. I have used my participation on the various chat groups I belong to as an excuse to not do other things that I ought to be doing. It's an expenditure of time that I have needed to rethink for a long time. While I was feeling so ill the last few years I didn't think - I just logged on and tried to answer what questions I could. When it was difficult to weave, or for that matter, even think about my own issues, it was satisfying to be able to extend a helping hand to others.
But I have neglected my own issues for too long. It's time to focus on myself for a time. My journey toward good health is not over yet and I have a busy time coming up. When I look at my calendar I see the following:
Oct. 21 drive 13 hours to Seattle
Oct. 22 fly to ABQ to teach a 2 day workshop, a one day workshop, give the guild program.
Oct. 27 fly back to Seattle
Oct. 28-30 Seattle Weaver's Guild sale (try to catch up with Syne for a meeting)
Oct. 31 drive 13 hours home
Nov. 4 set up for local craft fair
Nov. 5-6 craft fair
rest of Nov work on samples for ebook (if given approval for the concept)
Dec. 6 load van for trip to Vancouver (9 hour drive)
Dec. 7 drive to Vancouver
Dec. 8 set up for One of a Kind Vancouver craft fair
Dec. 9-12 show opens from 10 am-10 pm each day except Sunday - pack out begins at 5 pm
Dec. 13 drive 9 hours home
Dec. 14 unload van, do banking etc.
Then in January I will leave here on Jan 7 or 8 for N. Carolina
Jan 9-15 John C. Campbell Folk School
A short visit to Durham NC
Jan 21-23 Sarasota, FL
visit with friends near Tampa
Jan 28-30 Orlando, FL
Jan 31 fly home
In between these things I have to fit in visits to the doctor - given I get in to see the specialist any time soon, plus any tests that may be required.
And of course continue to weave the samples for the book, not to mention writing the text.
In addition to all of the above, there are my volunteer efforts for the local guild, the possibility of a private student in November, and oh, yes, keeping the house relatively tidy. I'll never win a good housekeeping award, but someone has to stay on top of the worst of the messes. :}
So instead of mindlessly logging on to the internet and reading the chat groups, I have made a resolution (an Old Year's resolution?) to pay more attention to what I need to do instead of things that help me procrastinate about them.
And then, when I have my surgery, hopefully early in the spring (I've set aside Feb-June because I don't know when that date is, yet) and I can't weave and don't feel much like doing anything else, I'll be more active in the internet weaving community again. :)
In the meantime I'll continue to share my fibre-y adventures via the blog and I will always answer emails as best I can. I won't be gone, just being quiet. Mostly.
(In honour of my commitment to do the things I need to do I started transcribing WeaveCast 53 today. I don't know that I will get it finished before I leave, but at least I started!)
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