The current exchange rate between US and Canadian dollars is now more or less at par - in fact I lost money on the last bit I exchanged at the bank. :(
I will be changing the US $ price on my Artfire site in two days to reflect the new exchange rate which means that if you buy Magic in the Water before Wednesday Oct. 6, 2010 you'll actually be getting a discount on the purchase price.
I try very hard to keep the exchange rate in mind so that the price is equal between Canada and the US in order to be fair to everyone, but I've been losing money on recent purchases. I wish I were independantly wealthy so that I could be more generous but that is not my reality. :}
That said, I am willing to donate textiles to worthy causes. Weavolution recently had an auction of some of my tea towels and I've offered more so watch there for offerings and a chance to help out if you wish.
p.s. - there are currently 48 copies of the full meal deal left and about 50 abridged copies which I sell at a reduced price....contact me directly for the abridged version
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