There are a number of options. If you want waffle and twill in the warp you need more shafts - here are some waffle options on four shafts. To make warp wise twill stripes, you would simply thread for twill on the other four shafts and then tie up and treadle accordingly. The draft above shows a lift plan because to do all the waffle options in one cloth on four shafts you run out of treadles and a direct tie up would be required unless you had a computer assisted loom.

Here is a 6 shaft version. This would make a very small 'waffle' and would not take up as much as a draft with longer floats. Therefore the difference between the waffle and twill would not be as great. Only sampling would show how much difference there would be. On a loom with 10 treadles you could tie up and treadle without having to use a direct tie up. Just add the twill tie up on the rest of the treadles and use them accordingly for weft wise stripes.

And lastly, here is an 8 shaft draft showing the tie up and treadling to make weft wise stripes of waffle and twill and would require 12 treadles.
I hope this has answered your question?
HeLlo Laura
This is quick. Thanks a lot.
Now I will have to let my brain do some work. I think I do understand what you mean. I will have to think about wich sollution comes as close to my idea.
Is it possible to have twill in the warp and weft direction? And plain wave at the borders?
Greetings Jolanda
Yes, but you would need to thread those areas separately from the waffle areas - therefore 8 shafts. Let me know if you want a sample draft - it would only take a few minutes to make one up.
Yes please if possible.
It would mean a lot to me and no more headache. I have a Hollandia Louet loom with 8 shafts and 10 threadles. I want to weave with cotton 30/3.
Greetings Jolanda
Hello Laura
could you make the sample draft for me? I have read the next post but I can't get it the way I want. I have tried the whole morning. Yes headage again.
Greetings Jolanda
Can you explain more about what it is you want?
email me laura at laurafry dot com
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