Friday, October 25, 2024



Everything seems to take ages and I get so frustrated that I can't seem to get myself in check.  But truthfully I don't have the energy to do much.  

Between the two of us, Doug is driving me everywhere because I'm still not driving yet.  So when I go somewhere, he comes too.

But little by little, tiny pieces of my new life are appearing.  And over the coming 3 weeks, I have several major appointments - because this brain injury is *not* my only issue - and I am hoping to get the phone call with the neurosurgeon, the appointment with my eye doctor, the review at the cancer clinic and continue to tweak the pain meds.

I am feeling as though my writing is getting better enough that I can try to keep writing.  The nice thing for the next one was a very short 'opinion' piece, and I managed to get through it - slowly, but never mind.  Have not heard back from the editor - yet - but in the early months of the start up for a 'meaty' publication, running on a skeleton crew, I am sure they are scrambling as hard as they can go.  In the meantime little 'newsletters' come and it feels nice to know that they are making progress.  I have zero desire to be in on launching this publication - writing an article or two is enough!  

As for more?  Well, I have been discussing another, but I need to weave some samples and see if what I'm thinking is the direction they want to go.  In the meantime I tweaked the draft and it will need some work, although it looks do-able.  When I get the first section cut off the current warp, I'll weave some samples of the yarns I am thinking of using, testing to see if I do need to adjust the epi or not.  Everything takes so long I cannot miss a deadline...

In the back of my head I keep hearing 'this is the winter of our discontent...'   I'm hoping that I will be able to drive when winter leaves so I can be more independent again.  

And please, whatever keeps testing me to see if I've become strong enough?  Stop!

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