The drive to Grand Forks was overcast and wet until I got past Beaverdell and nearly to Rock Creek, but after that the road was dry and the drive most pleasant. :)
I'd only ever driven through Grand Forks so I took the opportunity to walk around the town a little. Thought this building was particularly striking against the leaden sky.
The seminar Friday evening seemed to go well, with lots of questions. Of course I could talk about the topic of crafts as a business for days, but we only had about 90 minutes so only scratched the surface.
Saturday and Sunday the weavers wove their hearts out with many participants getting to all 12 looms, but most of them got more than half of the warps woven. We then got wet getting everything wet finished.
The best response was conveyed by Chris (Joybilee Farms) when she said that the members were excited to go home and dress their looms and get some weaving done. One person thanked me for filling in so many gaps and that she had no idea how much she needed to learn. :D
This aspect of weaving - that there is always so much more to learn - was the real thing that attracted me to weaving. Knowing that I could weave as a profession/career all my life and never exhaust the possibilites. :D
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