But here it is - about 8.5 yards of cotton cloth, ready to go into the washing machine and dryer tomorrow. :)
I'm still scrambling trying to get myself organized after the trip home from Kelowna yesterday. Much of today was spent in appointments, getting orders packaged and shipped, banking, delivering inventory to the local arts council for a joint display of the tenant groups and finishing off a transcript I've been doing for a friend.
Once that is done I intend to work on the backlog of WeaveCast episodes that I've gotten so far behind in doing. :(
And I got the commission for the head dresses and sashes to go with the skirt fabric, so I also need to dress the loom tomorrow for the head dresses. The dancers still have to assemble and decorate them before their performance the end of May, so I'm going to be a tad busy for the next few days.
Which is why I'm not sure I did what I just did - signed up for Twitter! :}
Tweet, tweet! ;^)
Now to figure out (if I can) how to add Twitter updates to my blog?
You can! Witness my tweets in the sidebar on Scarf A Day and High Fibre Diet.
To do it, go to your Settings and right on the Account tab you'll see a place to enter a url for a website, which you've already done. Below that field is a link to the twitter widget you need to add your tweets to your blog. Or you can try simply going here.
By the way, you might also want to join the #twitterweave group.
Welcome to the Twittosphere! I warn you: it's verrrry addictive.
Thanks Janet, it took me a while but I finally figured it out with your help! :)
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