scene outside my window at 3 pm today
We have not had what I would call a 'good' winter. Since the middle of January we have had far too many days where the temperature went above freezing during the day and below at night. What that means is that during the day everything melts making the roads wet and dirty and at night everything freezes making the roads icy.
We have also had far too many days without any sunshine. Every one gets grumpy and if they don't have SAD, they feel sad anyway.
Now that it's March I'm hoping that spring will come quickly because I'm very tired of things being icy and dirty. There's simply no point in getting the van washed because it will stay clean for five minutes - tops. :(
Inside I got the next painted warp onto the loom.

This warp has a lot of olive greens and some orange reds. The first scarf is being woven with a burgundy red which enhances the red and mutes the green. The colours are very reminiscent of maple leaves turning colour in the fall. The next section has a lot more green, so I'll be using Kelp to enhance the greens.
One of the scarves on this warp may be used as a hostess gift if we stay with Doug's titian haired niece in September. Just because I know it will suit her so well. :)
(When ever I stay with someone, I generally give handwovens for gifts. Hint, hint.)
For anyone not familiar with Weavolution, there are some amazing projects being uploaded there. http://weavolution.com
You don't have to sign up to take a look - it's free, anyway - but there are lots of things to inspire there. Some of the projects are wild and wacky, some just plain breath taking.
Currently reading Altered Carbon by Richard Morgon "Overhead soft bellied clouds panic towards the horizon like whales before the harpoon, and the wind runs addict's fingers through the trees that line the street." I do so love a well turned phrase. :) If you like Neal Stephenson, you'd likely enjoy Richard Morgon.
That's the kind of grey I hate, too. Your scarf warp no doubts cheers you up!
Here the sun decided to appear again (after a too long absence) on March 1. It still there, I promise you!
The sun made an appearance here today, too. :)
Maybe spring isn't too far away?
Yesterday morning we had snow on the ground and it was cold but somehow it also felt like balmy spring was hiding just around the corner.
So the answer to your question is.... YES! An enthusiastic and joyful YES! :-)
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