bags of painted warps to be woven
Someone commented on Weavolution that when she saw the picture of the orange/green warp on my blog she thought it looked scary.
Actually that warp was rather contained in comparison to some especially after they've been kicking around my storage room for a while, getting pawed through, considered and rejected as the warp du jour. :)
The above photo more acurately represents how they really look.
I decided today to do a photo essay of beaming one of the warps. I'll ask my webmaster to post it to my website - way too many photos for a blog post.
The warp I dressed the loom with today is in the white bag. Thought it looked appealing with that little bit of mauve in with the turquoise.
Will let people know when it's up on my website.
I have not done any painted warps for a variety of reasons, but I have always wondered how the length and number of threads is decided when one does a painted warp or just decides to kill some time by winding up a warp for later use. My experience of producing a warp for weaving (which, as a craft, I must admit brings out my most neurotic characteristics) is one of careful planning and obsessive attention to detail. I would not know how to just whipped up a warp to paint and then put it into a bag for later use. So, how is it that you painted warp people do it? What's you ticket to all that spontaneity?
Hi Stephen, you'll have to ask a dyer about how they go about painting a warp. I just wind the warp and send it away and it comes back all pretty. :^)
Teresa Ruch does my warps - she is a professional dyer and has the studio and expertise to do it.
Wow ... I'm anxiously awaiting the pictures.
This is amazing^^
Well, all of your work is just stunning - even that gray-blue warp you said was not your favorite. I loved it, as it spoke to my enjoyment of texture and pattern over color.
I was more curious about how you choose the number of threads and length of threads when making a spontaneous warp. You must have an intended purpose for the warp up front don't you?
Thanks again for allowing us to learn so much through your blog. It's amazing.
Thanks for indulging my question. I guess you do all the calculations I do in preparing a warp. You just angst a bit less due to your experience of knowing what you want and how best to go about doing it.
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