Yesterday Doug set off on a round of errands including the post office and came back with a parcel containing this amazing book.
Tien Chiu had blogged about seeing an exhibit of Itchiku Kubota's work and here on my doorstep was a taste of it.
Talk about eye candy as well as food for the soul! And probably one of the most thoughtful convelescent gifts someone could make to a textile person. Thanks Tien!
I've not managed to read much of the text yet - keep getting caught up in the images. This is most definitely a book to savour!
As is Jack Lenor Larsen's book Material Wealth. Another book I've never actually read because the images keep sucking me away from the text. :D Another gift from some weaving friends.
I will have to spend some serious time at the computer tomorrow. My local guild wants to nominate me for an award and they need a resume including all the books and articles I've written. Unfortunately I stopped keeping a detailed resume years and years ago. I figured no one wanted to read such a long list! For the past 10-15 years I've simply stated that I've written numerous articles for....and listed the publications.
But now they want the details! Doug carried up the Textile Arts Index which lists articles published up until the mid-80's and I guess I'll have to see if Handwoven has a searchable database/index. Otherwise it's page through the contents of the magazines because I honestly don't remember which issues I've had stuff in.
Well, all except the ones that my weaving was used on the covers. :}
Currently reading two books - one when I'm propped up in bed, one when I'm propped up in Doug's chair - part 3 of Spider Robinson's Lifehouse Trilogy and Archangel by Sharon Shinn. Nearly finished my pile of library books which means I can start on the books I own but have never gotten around to reading - cause there's no deadline on those, naturally! :DDDDD
Laura, Here's a link to Interweave's indices: , both the 5-year and the 25-year. --Sue in MA
Have you succumbed to a Kindle? Our book club is divided. I still cling to the visceral attachment of page turning and the smell of the book. I think the clock is ticking on for us traditionalists.
Found the Interweave indexes and got my resume done.
No, I'm afraid I'm a dinosaur. Not sure that I would like a Kindle. There is something so very satisfying about a book with real pages you turn. :}
I do have an e-reader (not a Kindle, but a Sony). I like it when I travel: I used to take a box full of books with me on holidays. Now it's just this pretty light thing.
But I must admit I miss the actually 'turning the pages'. Besides: when I'm reading a book I often look back in the pages I've already read - hard to do (but possible) with an e-reader.
For reading in bed these things are great, though!
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