Monday, August 2, 2010

A Sense of Satisfaction

stack of scarves cut and serged, ready to be wet finished...

There is always a certain sense of satisfaction when it is time to cut the proto-cloth from the loom and get it ready for wet finishing. Especially something like rayon chenille which changes so very dramatically after it has been wet finished.

There is not only the change in the handle, but the changes in the weave structure. The very grid-like structure of Diversified Plain Weave has been softened although it is still there. And the rather awkward looking stars are now twinkly instead of alien looking. :)

The dimensional loss is higher for this cloth than I'd anticipated, but the scarves are still long enough for many people so I'm not too concerned about the somewhat shorter length. They'll be called 'Blazer Scarves' as a friend told me to call them.

Since there is half as much rayon chenille in the cloth compared to the same yarn used warp and weft all by itself, the cloth is much lighter weight and it has great drape.

I think I'm overall rather pleased with these and quite happy to dress the loom for another 40 yards worth. The warp isn't quite done, done, but I'm hoping to get it off tomorrow. Then I'll be away for a few days and will dress the loom again once I'm home next week. I have just enough yarn on hand to do another 40 yards now. If I decide to do another warp I'll have to buy more of the 2/16 bamboo. :)

Did I mention I have depth of inventory in rayon chenille????


Sandra Rude said...

Love those designs! DPW is something I've never tried, but now you've satisfied my curiosity. I hope the "blazer scarves" do well at the Fall shows!

Laura Fry said...

Thanks Sandra. I'm vicariously enjoying your Jacquard. :)


Peg Cherre said...

I've never tried DPW, either, but you sure make me want to!

So are you saying that you use 2/16 bamboo as the alternate thread with the rayon chenille? I thought I had to use rayon!

Laura Fry said...

Re-generated bamboo is technically classed as rayon. The bamboo/rayon I'm using is a much higher twist yarn than the Bambu 12 from Silk City. In the US you can get it from Halcyon. I got mine from Brassard in Canada.

Since the two tie down threads in the warp are at each selvedge, and because there is a fair amount of tension on the warp, I wanted a stronger yarn than the Bambu 12.


Peg Cherre said...

Wow, Laura - Your answer told me just how little I understand about DPW. "The tie down threads are at each selvedge?" I thought you needed the non-chenille threads spread throughout both warp and weft. Do you have a post that clearly described DPW?

Laura Fry said...

Hi Peg, If you click on the DPW label you'll get all the posts including the draft, eventually.

Yes, you do alternate the two threads in the warp and weft. Two of the fine ends, then one rayon chenille. I dropped the rc on the left hand selvedge so that both edges have the two fine bamboo ends as selvedge ends.
