trim corners
fold in three, pin about every 4 inches
knot thread, insert needle into peak
take tiny stitches to close tube/hem
when hem is closed begin stitching hem
catch one or two threads from bottom cloth and fold of hem

close hem at other end, knotting thread at peak then insert needle into hem to bury the end inside the hem - see needle eye to the right and needle tip to the left above word 'eye'
clip tail of thread flush with hem
Thank you so much for posting these photos! Since I work alone and don't have much "real" contact with weavers I really appreciate your blog. From today's post I see where I can cut some time off my hemming of my towels. I was always afraid to cut my corners on a diagonal, fearing the web would unravel though I knew it would make hemming easier. Thanks for these tips...and I'm also glad to see that I am on the right track....I may over iron and over pin but at least I was getting it right! Now hopefully it will go a bit faster... Thanks so much!
There are people who will swear that you *must* press each fold. For most handwovens that I do, I don't find it necessary. I do give the textile a finishing press to press the fold of the hem flat.
Beautiful hem! Isn't it wonderful how such a mundane task is so satisfying? I actually *enjoy* hemming ...
I have to be in the right mood - but funnily enough, looming deadlines usually put me in the mood. :)
Great tips and photos! Thanks for those. I never thought of cutting the corners...makes perfect sense.
Excellent hand-hemming tutorial.
As always, an excellent, helpful post. Thanks for sharing, photos make such a difference!
That is a traditional sewn hem. I am not sure why the rude person on the forum I have just read, say it would not hold up. I say it would!
Everyone has to do as they feel is best. So many people nowadays think hand sewing isn't as 'good' as machine sewn. They forget that in something like 40,000 years of human 'history' a sewing machine has only been around for about 200 years. :)
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