Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Yesterday a friend emailed and asked if I was ok - that I'd been sounding 'down'.

I told her I was.

I have a shit ton of stuff going on right now - the conference is only the part I've been sharing - and I've been having a hard time, what with one thing and another.

She let me vent, validated that I was walking a rough road (not that she isn't, herself) but just being able to sum up all the stuff that I've been dealing with made the load lighter.  Then I was able to go back to conference work I'd been struggling with and finally feel like I was making some headway. 

Today I dealt with some personal stuff, and then this afternoon I got back to the conference data and again sorted through it and chewed the next bite of the elephant.

Doug fought with technology and by 4 pm had finally sorted out the issues with the cell phones, the ipads and the Square.

Just getting that finally functioning  has been a huge load off of me.

This morning while in a waiting room my cell phone rang.  Normally Doug is the only one that phones me, mainly because I don't give my number out much, but my conference co-chair has it so I answered.  It was a local florist asking if I was home to take a delivery.  I said no, I was out, but would be home after 1 pm.

Just now this lovely arrangement was delivered and the friend I had been venting to yesterday and another mutual friend were the angels who sent the flowers.

I cried, dear reader.

And the arrangement looks fantastic next to the transparency woven and given to me by a third friend who has nightly been sympathetic and supportive.  Others have also been there for me, letting me vent.

Friends.  They lift us up when we are down.  Extend a helping hand, even when we don't realize we need it.

Thanks, y'all.  You are the wind beneath my wings...