Today Doug and his helper carried 14 bins and a box down to the studio and set them up on a saw horse table so that I could work on sorting and condensing them.
The bins and box are filled with miscellaneous stuff I've been ignoring - sometimes for decades.
Several bins of bobbin lace supplies, some teaching samples, some spinning stuff.
Plus, peeking out from behind, the bag from Brassard with a fill in order of 2/8 cotton, and from underneath an order from Ashford. I notified guild members that I was giving up my Ashford dealership and several took advantage of the fact that they could get an order before I gave it up.
It got caught in the truly nasty road conditions we had last week at the south end of the province and only arrived today instead of last week, but never mind, it's here. As soon as I have more room on the table I will open the box and sort the order into who purchased what. Including (ahem) my own top up of spinning fibres.
I'm not exactly sure where my blending board has gotten to, but I have several bins of rolags (punis?) ready to go so as soon as I've burned through some of my jigsaw puzzle stash, I will get my spinning out again.
I have also knitted the commercially spun wool yarns and should finish the last shawl made from those yarns in the next while. In the meantime? I have hemming to do as I did find a spool of thread to hem the first of the lavender place mats. The second warp will have to wait a few days as I had another pain treatment today and I'm on 'light' duty for several days. A place mat warp is not 'light' duty and I'm wondering how much longer I can continue to weave a textile that needs a hard beat.
However the doctor is very pleased with my progress after the first treatment and feels sure that I will regain some strength, perhaps even sooner than I expect. OTOH, my whiplash injuries are decades old so I'm staying optimistic but trying very hard to not be impatient. Goodness, at my age, perhaps I'm learning patience???? Who'd a thunkit?
Having the bins at a good level to work on means that I have actually managed to go through about half of them, but I have stirred up enough dust for now so I'm taking a break.
There is a jigsaw puzzle calling....
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