This week has started off the way my days seem to be starting lately.
Yesterday I made a plan. I was going to do x, y and z. If I got done with those, I had a few other small tasks that I wanted to clear off my desk and mind.
Things started well enough and then? Snow globe happened. My nice tidy task list got up ended and instead of my nice neat straight line of x, y and z, I did k then b, then j, then vegged waiting to see if my trip to town was going to happen at 1 pm. Um, nope. It was nearer 2:30 before I finally got in the truck and headed to the post office and the library. But since those two things were actually y and z, I'm not exactly on track, but at least feel like I managed to clear those off and out.
Doug and his helper just now came in and carried the shelving down to the studio so I won't be working on the Megado today at all. Instead I'm going to wind the warp for the special order place mats. I won't be able to do anything more than wind the warp, but at least that will be a start, and will likely take me until after 4 pm, by which point I rather suspect my energy is going to run out.
Last night I set out another puzzle and frittered away some time on that this afternoon waiting for the van to come back. I should have (shoulda/woulda/coulda) been winding the warp, but since I can't get to the work table anyway, I decided to just take some down time. I can't say I regret it.
It's another grey dreary day. Fiddling with coloured bits of cardboard seemed like the right thing to do. But I now have five library books, all of them due in three weeks. I think a couple of them can be renewed (the others are brand new) so they will go to the bottom of the pile.
But in the meantime? I have a warp to wind. Time to go work on w - for warp winding...
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