After a record breaking 24 hour snow dump, this was the view from my front window this morning.
For those of you who don't have to deal with snow, the wooden stake attached to the fire hydrant is to alert city crews removing snow as to the where abouts of the hydrant, as well as fire fighters, in case of need.
As you can see the wooden stake is rather taller than current accumulated snowfall, and yes, there have been times when the snow has been much deeper by this time of the year. What we usually don't get is 20 cm (about 8") in 24 hours. We've had steady snow for several days - in fact Sunday we had an official blizzard! - and the roads are a mess because the city removal crews simply can't keep on top of it all. (A 'blizzard' is snowfall accompanied by winds of a specific velocity, making visibility next to nill.)
The dragonfly lights in my window were a gift from my brother a couple of years ago. I've kept them lit all winter, in memory.
The other dangles are gifts from friends. The stained glass was made by Allan. The little wooden filigree angel is sideways on in the photo and was a gift from Allan and Sheila.
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