It took longer than I would like to get this warp beamed because I kept running out of yarn on the spools and having to stop and wind more. But this warp pretty much took care of the rest of the 2/40's mercerized cotton. I still have some fine yarn, but it's 3/40's and much stronger so it can be used on its own mixed in with the 2/20's yarns for another warp. Maybe even my last 2/20 warp? If not, it will be very nearly the last. :)
So although I'm not quite done my fine yarns, the really fine stuff is history. Yay!
This warp was beamed from the centre out. It was a mixture of blues from fairly pale to a darker mid-range greyed blue, some greyed green in a couple of shades and some blue-purples/lavender in several shades. There was just a little bit of a darker purple, so those were cut in last and make a bit of a border on the two selvedges. Not sure if the colours will show up very well on the blog.
The plan is to finish off the last of the rayon chenille (3000 yards/pound), the last of the singles 12 linen, and then use up as much of the singles 6 cotton as weft as I possibly can.
Once again I simply wound the warp without thought to which threading I will use. So now I will dip into ARS Textrina again, and see what captures my fancy. Probably another 12 shaft fancy twill. :) Not sure if I will do borders down each side, pattern down the centre, or overall pattern. Much will depend on how the chosen pattern 'fits' into how many threads I wound.
Since we've continued to have snow, perhaps I'll look for a snowflake pattern. Gee, I am so going to miss this weather when I get to Los Angeles and Tucson this weekend.
If, that is, I can even get there. Keeping fingers crossed there will be no travel delays due to the weather............(heading off to anxiously check the Weather Network website)
And here in L.A. we think it's cold with highs in the low 60's! It should be a little warmer this weekend though.
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday.
The snow continues, and will do for Thursday. Light flurries are predicted for Friday, which should not interfere with travel as my plane leaves PG at 12:30 pm. They should have things at the airport well in hand by then.
I will be so out of here!!!!!
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