Winter has snuck back and is currently depositing more snow on the ground. It's one of those 'spring break up' storms - windy, wet snow, nasty to be out in.
A good day to stay in and try to carry on dealing with some of the rubble in my office.
I have been feeling quite...overwhelmed...of late. Trying to find something that helps with the pain and winding up with different pain as an adverse effect was beginning to feel pointless. As if I were meant to carry on for the rest of my days in discomfort and running short on sleep rations.
It has made every day life more difficult and reinforces the urge to just stay home. Not connect with anyone unless I am feeling like I have the energy - which has been sadly lacking of late.
However we are now in March, and I am tentatively talking about 'spring break up' as if we aren't still liable to have some more snow storms. But hopefully no more extreme cold.
I have been re-thinking my approach to the current WEFT article and have cleared enough clutter out of the way that I can - if I have the mental wherewithal - beginning documenting the samples. Something that I have listed as a priority for...days...and which I have not yet touched.
At this point I'm not sure if what I have done is 'enough', or the direction they wanted to go with the topic. I need to do the analysis and documentation, and then I can more clearly see the results and articulate the conclusions. Which I readily admit, are currently swirling around in the back of my brain.
I'm just over 6 months since the brain injury, and while things slowly get 'better', I still feel hindered by it, and therefore reluctant to try to write. However, without the data, there isn't anything to write about, so the next step is going to be critical.
On a such a dreary day, maybe I will feel inspired to settle and begin?
The first issue of WEFT will be coming out next month. I have articles in the first 3 issues, and working on the 4th. And for the 5th I've agreed to do an article that I think will be fun to do. Time to offer the 'carrot' of the next article to help coax me across the finish line on the current one?
If anyone is interested in my books, they are printed in the US so there are no tariffs involved for USians. At this point I have no clue about Canadians getting copies. However Sweet Georgia Yarns recently ordered 20 copies of The Intentional Weaver. I signed book plates to go into those. If you want to order one (or more) of my books they are available here... or from the Sweet Georgia website
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