Woke to the 'news' of the latest tantrum - how *dare* Canada retaliate to their punishment? I suppose we were supposed to curl up in defeat in the face of their displeasure?
So not only are the 'paused' tariffs reinstated (one assumes) amidst the accusations of Canada not *allowed* to put export taxes on certain products, trump has upped the ante and added yet more. Please note that when a country enacts a 'tariff', that fee is paid by the citizens of said country enacting the tariff.
Their complaint this morning that Canada is an habitual abuser of things like tariffs, we are in fact the *worst*. As they jack up the tariffs even more. Plus the brag that all automotive building will be done only in the US going forward.
So, I'm leaving my ko-fi shop active, but advising USians to not buy from me. Don't give him anymore of your hard earned money than you need to.
While he sits on his golden throne in his 'new' clothes, he will continue to try to destroy our economy (therefore, 'country') *and yours*.
Because he doesn't care about anyone else. Ultimately the lists will be drawn up and eventually pretty much everyone will be on one or another.
Yes, the sanctions Canada is applying will hurt us, but hopefully we can put a damper on his isolationist/expansionist plans and keep our country free of the alt right.
How does that song go - keep kicking at the dark until it bleeds daylight?
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