extra special bd prezzie...long narrow knitted lace scarf in Sea Cell - thanks Sheila!
George Carlin has a wonderful monologue about aging. He talks about the milestones along the road - the milestone resonating with me right now, about making it to 60.
I grew up in the 50's and 60's when the watch word amongst my peers was to 'never trust anyone over 30'. Well, look at us now!
In fact, I like being the age that I am. (Consider the alternative - I have, many times during the past 2 and a half years.) I like that I have experienced so much, met interesting people, travelled to fascinating ports of call, learned from so many. I like the knowledge that I've accumulated in my nearly 60 years of life. I enjoy having answers to questions that come from my learning and experience. I also enjoy sharing that with others.
That isn't to say that I know it all. That is what keeps me coming back to the looms - always something more to discover. It was what drew me to weaving in the first place. I saw that one could spend a lifetime exploring, learning, discovering. That journey is what keeps me getting up every day.
Even when I'm doing a long run of plain weave scarves I delight in how the colours interact. The current blue/purple/green warp has turned into something really exciting because the dyer has applied colour with gay abandon and the section I just finished weaving is especially pretty with highlights of a sort of golden glow. What's not to love?
Currently reading West of Kabul, East of New York by Tamim Ansary
Happy, Happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :-)
Thinking of you as I finally get back to the loom, weaving baby blankets and experimenting, knowing the experiments won't all work but it's ok because I'm learning and (thanks to you) I can now weave quickly and efficiently enough to actually not be crushed when things don't work out perfectly!
Hope the rest of the day is magnificent, Laura.
A very Happy Birthday Laura!
Happy Birthday, Laura! You don't know me, but you're one of my special weaving inspirations. Thanks for sharing your weaving life, your setbacks, your joy. And what you're reading--I always check out the authors you like.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday, Laura! I'm glad you're here. :)
Happy belated birthday! The scarf is lovely.
Happy Birthday, Laura! Not only are you always learning, but passing it on through your teaching (blog, articles, CDs & classes) is a boon for your students, too!
Wishing you a wonderful birthday weekend, and I hope your 'procedure' on Monday is easy and completely successful.
Thanks everyone. :)
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