to be done on sofa; done on coffee table...
Today was a rather chilly day - perfect for pressing. So I pressed another 20+ tea towels. They were still a little damp so I left them there to dry completely. There is one more load of towels to be run through the washer and dryer, so the stack on the sofa is approximately 1/2 of the total yet to be finished.
With one more week to go until I leave for Vancouver, hopefully to get 'fixed', my energy levels are not great nor can I weave very much, so the next couple of weeks seem like an ideal time to seriously attack my finishing mountain. :)
Once the towels are hemmed, they will go back to the press for a final pressing, then get their hang tags attached. And then they are finally ready for sale.
My hope is that I can have the simple fix on the 12th and be back weaving by the 19th. The Diversified Plain Weave scarf warp is set to go and if I work diligently on that 40 yard warp for the rest of the summer I can look forward to having them ready for the first sale in September. It will be a bit of a time crunch, but do-able - once I'm feeling better and my energy returns. And if it takes longer, there are sales in October, November and December, too. :)
Currently reading A Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison - I'm reading the series out of order because I had to get some of the earlier titles in on Inter-Library loan and they are coming in as they are found and shipped here. But I'm not finding the out of sequence reading too much of a problem.
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