You might remember waaaaay back in February I was having a problem weaving this warp.
I was not loving this warp at all. In fact, my first option I disliked so much on the loom that I only wound up weaving one towel in that weave structure!
So my own words have come back to haunt me. You know - the ones where I tell my students not to judge their work on the loom, but wait until the cloth has been properly wet finished?
Yup. You guessed it. The one I disliked the most on the loom I actually quite liked after the pressing was done.
That's not to say I'm deeply in love with this fabric. I still think it's a bit drab - especially given today was a grey, dreary day. But that's not to say that it doesn't have its virtues.
I'm not overly fond of the speckly look of the cloth, but in the right environment it will probably look quite nice. When the towels were all hanging on the drying rack I could see that they would go quite nicely in a kitchen with say, granite counters.
So what would I change so that I would like this colour combination better?
Well, partly what I don't like about it is the high contrast between the pale grey and the darker blues. I think that next time (no doubt there will be a next time given I still have a lot of these yarns left in my stash) that I would be happier with a more structured stripe instead of an overall sprinkling of the colours throughout.
But that's just personal preference. I'm satisfied enough with the cloth knowing that the yarn combination will function well as towels that they will go into the fall sales. And then the customers can decide for themselves whether they like them or not.
If nothing else they can be used as donations or hostess gifts. :)
1 comment:
Wow, the finishing really made a difference! They softened up nicely and will make SOMEONE's heart go pit-a-pat. My palette is rather limited - need to experiment a bit. I get inspiration from your projects - and they come so fast that I have many choices!
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