Today is a 'light duty' day. I had massage and usually feel like I've been run over afterwards. Instead of trying to finish off the current warp, when I got home I started processing the samples.
Since I'm doing a lot of comparing - this yarn with that, this weave structure in this yarn to that weave structure in that other yarn - I need to pay close attention to which sample is which. A little bit of a challenge when half of them need to be wet finished.
So I came up with a way to identify the samples so I knew what each was. It helped that I was reserving a loom state sample, although it doubled my weaving and 'accounting'.
That stack of samples is 7 inches tall. But that's not all of them. I 'missed' wet finishing two of them, so they still need to be done. Plus after I wet finished these ones, I wondered 'what if...'
So I'll be doing another sample on the end of the current warp to do more of the 'find out' part of the process.
I am lucky because they are only just getting started and didn't have a 'style sheet' organized, so instead they said just do what you can, they will make it work. In the future, I'll have to be more aware of their colour theme for the issue I'm writing for (if I am asked to do more...TBD). For the purposes of this article, I already had warps ready to go that I could adapt and weave the samples on the planned warps. Love when I can make a warp fulfill multiple purposes. :)
I hope everyone is staying safe this summer (or winter if you are 'down under'). After weeks of fires ravaging the province we have been having rain and today a landslide completely blocked (dammed) a river and people are getting concerned about what happens when that dam gives way.
Climate change IS real, and we really, truly, need to do something about it getting worse. Because I don't care what the yellow dog in the burning room says, this is NOT fine...