I'm not going to comment much on current events, other than to say, keep creating, keep pushing creative energy out into the universe. I won't tell you what to do about what is going on, each of us has to make that decision for ourselves - what we can risk, what we are ok with losing. But I may give some suggestions...
This week has been...challenging. The only thing keeping me sane right now is getting to the studio and doing stuff that *I* can control - or not, such as the case may be.
So, how are those samples coming, you may ask?
Well, I have quite a lot of data. Do I have conclusions? Largely that textiles will continue to be fluid, and to fascinate.
Doubting that my experience is the be all and end all, I did consult with 3 other people, largely to check to see if what I was seeing was unique to me, or worked across the warp. (sorry - not sorry!) Have I nailed down the dynamic at play? Nope. Not at all.
So, I am taking a wee break, in part to let my wounded brain have time to percolate the results of the first warp, but also, to do something which I am fairly confident will turn out the way I hope. Will I be happy with the results? To Be Determined.
I used up more of the warp than expected weaving (and in some cases, re-weaving) the samples, but that's ok. That's why I beamed a much longer than anticipated warp.
With the news that the US 25% tariff will take effect on Monday, and in the face of just last week renewing my subscription to my ko-fi shop, I have decided to keep my shop for the coming year. OTOH, I'm not happy with the new changes to the Terms and Conditions of Paypal, so this year might be the last year I have a Paypal account, too. But things can change in an instant.
The worst thing I can do right now is panic. I am 'safe' (for the time being, but we have a federal election coming up) so I don't need to rush to make decisions when the current slow(?) moving coup south of the border continues, AND about to happen here, too, either succeed or collapse out of...well, choose your description.
I suppose the best advice I can offer is to watch what is happening. Do your best to not comply in advance. Help protect the vulnerable amongst us. Recognize what is happening. History is written by the 'winners'. Paying attention to what folk do, is also legitimate.
Some people have suggested that people keep journals to record what is happening. An individual doesn't have much power by themselves, but if we get out and vote, that makes people in power pay attention.
Recently I have been reading 'history' written by two musicians, both of them paying attention to the politics of the day. I am learning about things that were never really reported much and their records from the time period are reminding me of what I knew but had either not fully understood, or had forgotten.
If you are 'old' like me, I'd like to remind you of two musicians - Bruce Cockburn and Billy Joel. Sometimes it is good to be reminded that even when I wasn't paying all that much attention, some people were, and were willing to sing out about it.
As for the books I've been reading, Rumours of Glory by Bruce Cockburn covers from the 1960s to the early 2000's, and Dangerous Memory by Charlie Angus covers from the 1980s onwards.
Charlie Angus is currently a federal politician, and had made the decision to not run in the next election. As such he doesn't need to 'protect' his 'seat' and has chosen to speak out, loudly, about the alt right poised to try and take over Canada. It is refreshing to have a voice from the left to speak out and call it what it is.
If you are Canadian, pay attention to what Charlie Angus is doing to try and preserve the 'norms'. Because as we are seeing south of the borders, once the alt right takes over, the 'norms' are no longer considered 'normal'...just saying...